Final Workshop of RIPIECSA Program and AMMANET Prospective meeting

Thursday 20
PRS: Invited conferences (Synergy with the AMMANET prospective)
Michel SIMEU (U N’Gaoundéré), Chimère DIAW (RAFM), Abou Amani (UNESCO)
› 11:30 - 11:40 (10min)
Africa Environment Outlook-3: opportunities and challenges for Africa. An initiative leaded by UNEP
Jacques-André Ndione  1, *@  , Frank Turyatunga  2@  , Charles Sebukeera  3, *@  , Chistopher Ambala  4@  , Clever Mafuta  5@  , Washington Ochola  6@  , Ahmed Abdelrehim  7@  , Joseph Opio-Odongo  8@  , Telly Eugene Muramira  9@  
1 : Centre de Suivi Ecologique
2 : UNEP, Nairobi, KENYA
3 : UNEP, Nairobi, KENYA  (UNEP)
UNEP, Nairobi, KENYA
4 : UNEP, Nairobi, KENYA  (UNEP)
UNEP, Nairobi, KENYA
5 : GRID-Arendal, NORWAY
7 : Centre for Environment & Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE)  (CEDARE)
8 : Sustainable Development Services (SDS)  (SDS)
9 : NEMA, Kampala, OUGANDA  (NEMA)
* : Corresponding author

UNEP, through the Division of Early Warning and Assessment and the Regional Office for Africa, has been providing support to the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) to produce the Africa Environment Outlook (AEO) report. AMCEN is the apex intergovernmental body of the African Union on environment in Africa, responsible for providing leadership and policy direction on the environment in the region. The Africa Environment Outlook (AEO) has provided a coherent framework for improving capacities of countries in information management to support decision making related to natural resources management in Africa. Since 2002, UNEP has published two volumes: the AEO-1 (Past, Present and Perspectives) and AEO-2 (Our environment, our wealth). In 2010, UNEP launched the 3rd Edition of AEO, and its theme will focus on « Environment and Health, and its impacts on human wellbeing in Africa ». Regarding this 3rd edition, its objective, scope and overall outline is to provide a comprehensive, reliable and scientifically credible assessment of the state of the environment outlook in Africa and with a focus on the impact on human health. AEO-3 will: (i) provide an analysis of the key environmental issues, state and trends in Africa, including persistent and emerging environmental problems, and those that are approaching tipping points; (ii) explore the interlinkages between Health and Environment, and how these are likely to affect achievement of the Millennium Development Goals as well as other agreed environment related goals and targets; (iii) involve a broad range of stakeholders to provide perspectives from different disciplines, sub-regions and countries in Africa; (vi) engage with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other UN agencies to draw on their relevant specialised areas; (v) strengthen individual, institutional and national capacities through partnerships and participation in the process; (vi) offer high potential policy options to assist in addressing the issues identified, so that sub-regional groups and countries can consider them for possible uptake; (vii) produce a peer-reviewed Summary for Policy Makers based on the scientific findings of the full report; (viii) provide an input into the on-going process for preparation of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) 5; (ix) inform the strategic directions of the Africa Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN), as well as the African Union. The analytical framework designated for AEO-3 is a hybrid of the Opportunities framework as used in the AEO-2 report and the Drivers-Pressures-State-Exposure-Effects-Actions (DPSEEA) framework commonly used in health and environment assessments.

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