Final Workshop of RIPIECSA Program and AMMANET Prospective meeting

Thursday 20
PRS: Invited conferences (Synergy with the AMMANET prospective)
Michel SIMEU (U N’Gaoundéré), Chimère DIAW (RAFM), Abou Amani (UNESCO)
› 11:45 - 11:55 (10min)
Priority "Science" in the AU-EU 8th Partnership
Jean Albergel  1, 2, *@  
1 : World Agroforestry Centre  (ICRAF)
2 : Laboratoire d'études des Interactions Sols, Agrosystèmes, Hydrosystèmes  (LISAH)
* : Corresponding author

The trajectory of emerging countries shows that the appropriation of knowledge and strengthening academic and research systems is a key factor of development. Moreover, the most acute global challenges facing our planet (climate change, desertification, emerging diseases, urbanization, unemployment among young graduates, changes in the mode of family, community and societal organization, brought about by globalization, etc.) are found in the South. Therefore, as part of the solidarity effort towards developing countries, strengthening scientific capacity in developing countries is a priority. Located at the crossroads of research policies and aid policies, research for development has grown within the EU action. This dynamic was consolidated at the Euro-African summit in Tripoli (November 2010).Reaffirming the commitment made at the Lisbon summit in 2007 to strengthen scientific capacity on the African continent, African and European states adopted a new action plan for 2011-2013, perpetuating the EU-Africa partnership dedicated to science, the information society and space. Here, science means the triptych of knowledge: training, research and innovation. The creation of a "science" group within this 8 th Partnership reflects the priority trait that European countries want to give to science as an engine of the development of African countries. The following paper presents the main proposals for joint activities developed by the European expert Group during the year 2010 and discussed at Senior Official Meeting of Addis-Ababa on October the 11th. It develops: • The Strategic Priorities of the "science" group • Methodology for the "science" group's work It gives examples and proposals for action.

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