› Priority "Science" in the AU-EU 8th Partnership - Jean Albergel, World Agroforestry Centre, Laboratoire d'études des Interactions Sols, Agrosystèmes, Hydrosystèmes, Nairobi, Kenya
11:45-11:55 (10min)
1. Niger (Issoufou Wata Sama; Centre National de Suivi Ecologique et Environnemental) 2. Bénin (X) 3. Augustin Kabore (Ministère de l'environnement) 4. Mali (Mohamed Koité; Direction de la Météorologie du Mali).
Meeting on synergies (bridges) betweend IRD initiatives in Africa
Restricted meeting between leaders of AMMA, SREC, GMV, ESCAPE (Scientific collaborations and potential contribution of AMMANET to the implementation of these programs)
Constitution of AMMANET Governing Board and confirmation of the ToR and mission (Representative of African Institution, ACMAD, AGRHYMET, 2IE, ECOWAS, ICSU, etc.).